Ryan Carter, the Chief Growth Officer of Pure Plank, is a dynamic entrepreneur who has fused his diverse cultural background and his South Florida roots to revolutionize the way we approach core fitness. Born in Guyana and raised in Miami, Carter’s journey is a testament to the power of resilience, creativity, and the cultural melting pot that Miami is known for. His fitness brand, Pure Plank, is not just another fitness tool—it’s a game-changer that reflects Carter’s passion for innovation, community, and making fitness accessible to everyone.

A Miami Upbringing Rooted in Innovation

Growing up in Miami, Carter experienced the unique blend of cultures and ideas that the city is famous for. “Being from Miami exposed me to this incredible diversity of cultures and ideas,” Carter explains. “It’s a melting pot, and that exposure has been invaluable in understanding different perspectives and needs.” This understanding is crucial in his role at Pure Plank, where he and his team have crafted a product that appeals to a broad audience, reflecting Miami’s diversity in both fitness enthusiasts and casual exercisers alike. But Carter’s roots also extend beyond Miami’s vibrant streets. Born in Guyana, he grew up with an immigrant family who taught him the value of resourcefulness and adaptability. “The immigrant experience taught me resilience and adaptability. I grew up in a home where I learned the value of resourcefulness early. You had to be creative with limited resources,” he recalls. That creativity now drives his approach to product development and problem-solving, a skill that has helped him lead Pure Plank to success in such a competitive industry.

Pure Plank: A Simple Concept with Big Impact

The concept behind Pure Plank is straightforward yet powerful. “Planking is such a foundational exercise for building core strength,” Carter says. “But we wanted to take it to the next level.” Pure Plank’s innovative design makes it easy for anyone, regardless of fitness level, to enhance their core workouts by adding variability and challenge. It’s a tool that doesn’t just aim to improve physical performance but also engages users in a way that makes fitness more exciting and dynamic.

What makes Pure Plank stand out is not just its effectiveness but the personal stories behind its development. Carter shares how his co-founders, Adam Copeland and Jay Reso—both retired professional wrestlers—credited planking as a major factor in their recovery from career-ending injuries. “Their personal journey with recovery and fitness gives the product a special authenticity,” Carter explains. This authenticity resonates with users who are not just looking for the next fitness fad but a tool with real, proven benefits.

Since its launch earlier this year, Pure Plank has been embraced by the fitness community with open arms, and for good reason. “It’s versatile and portable, which makes it perfect for people in South Florida who are always on the go or working out in different environments,” Carter says. Whether at the gym, at home, or outdoors, Pure Plank seamlessly integrates into any fitness routine.

South Florida: A Fitness Hub and Key Market

As Carter knows well, fitness is big in South Florida. The year-round warm weather allows people to stay active outdoors, and the region’s focus on health and wellness makes it an ideal market for a product like Pure Plank. “South Florida is definitely a fitness hotspot,” he says. “What I love about Pure Plank is how easily it can fit into anyone’s routine.”

From casual fitness enthusiasts to elite athletes, people across South Florida have found ways to incorporate Pure Plank into their workouts. “You can use it before or after a workout for targeted core training or even incorporate it into HIIT sessions, yoga, or strength training,” Carter explains. This adaptability makes Pure Plank a tool that fits seamlessly into any routine without requiring users to overhaul their existing workouts.

Carter sees even greater potential for Pure Plank’s growth in the South Florida fitness scene, especially as more people discover how accessible and effective it is. “As more people discover how adaptable it is, it will become a key part of their workouts going forward,” he predicts.

Family, Fitness, and Miami Lifestyle

Carter’s passion for fitness isn’t just professional—it’s personal. His daughter, who’s just six years old, is already a fan of Pure Plank. “She’s always trying to challenge herself with it, and it’s great to see her so enthusiastic about fitness,” Carter shares. His son, a travel soccer player, also incorporates Pure Plank into his training routine to build core strength and improve his balance on the field

Carter’s wife, too, has a personal connection to the product. After her last pregnancy, she struggled with diastasis recti, a common condition where the abdominal muscles separate. Her physical therapist recommended planking as part of her recovery, but she found traditional planks uncomfortable. “During the development of Pure Plank, she was one of the first to test it, and since using it, she’s been able to plank longer, engage her core fully, and has seen a significant improvement in her condition,” Carter explains.

Beyond his role in the fitness world, Carter is a true Miamian, enjoying everything the city has to offer. “Miami is a sexy city with beautiful people, and there’s no shortage of places to party or grab a great meal,” he says. When he’s not working, you might find him at Forte Dei Marmi, indulging in great food, or exploring the street art and culinary scene in Wynwood. But despite the allure of Miami’s vibrant nightlife, Carter prefers spending time with his family. “I love grilling and spending time by the pool with my family—it’s the perfect way to unwind.”

Advice for Miami Entrepreneurs

For aspiring entrepreneurs in Miami looking to follow in his footsteps, Carter’s advice is simple but powerful: “Start where you’re at and solve a problem you personally face.” That’s how Pure Plank was born. He also stresses the importance of connections and finding your niche. “Relationships are key. Nurturing the right connections will accelerate your journey,” he advises. And when it comes to competition, he recommends creating your own space. “Instead of competing in overcrowded markets, look for a niche where you can innovate and offer unique value.” Ryan Carter’s story, both personal and professional, is one of innovation, resilience, and a deep connection to the culture and lifestyle of Miami. Through Pure Plank, he is not only changing the way people approach fitness but also showcasing the entrepreneurial spirit that defines South Florida.

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