You might recognize her from the covers of international magazines, television commercials or high profile public appearances as a professional mermaid across America, but beneath the glitz and glamour of celebrity life, Emily Alexandra Guglielmo is a woman on a mission to do good.

Throughout her life, the talented and vivacious actress, model and entrepreneur has always been drawn to the spotlight; As a little girl, she would invariably be the star of her family´s home movies, a passion that became a successful career and ultimately a platform to raise awareness and assist those who need it most, both at home and abroad.

“Every human being on earth should have access to clean, safe drinking water. Especially children in deeply impoverished regions, as they represent the future of their villages and towns.” – Guglielmo emphatically states.

In October, Emily and a group of trusted friends and colleagues including part of her team at the Supporting Water non profit organization founded by the young star, flew out to Africa and took part in a series of missions that helped provide safe drinking water for school children in Kenya and other regions in collaboration with Water is Life.

“This has always been a calling of mine, being able to help people gain access to water – as a professional mermaid I have a deep and passionate connection with everything water related and seeing the look on kids´ faces when we arrived at their villages has truly been one of the most profound experiences of my life.” –Emily Alexandra affirms.

But Guglielmo is not only a public figure and a philanthropist; She is also a seasoned entrepreneur who has experienced major success as the founder of Emily Alexandra Cosmetics – a burgeoning company that has exhibited widespread adoption amongst consumers in America and around the globe thanks to its connection to Emily Alexandra´s personal brand and name recognition. 

Emily recently granted us an exclusive interview, and here´s what she shared with us:

What did you learn from your recent trip to Africa?

I realized how incredibly blessed I am… and realized how little the people and children of Kenya have, yet they were so happy….all they need is better education for health and sanitation.

How is your non-profit “Supporting Water” helping people on the ground?

We are building Wells and Water Filtration systems for communities and villages that don’t have convenient drinkable water. We also are helping women´s shelters and orphanages have the correct school books and supplies!   

What are some of your career plans for 2022?

To get distribution in Mexico and other countries, as well as branch off to other countries for missions. Our next mission will be in 2023!

We know you’ve been getting a lot of calls for acting work, can you share some of your experiences with our readers?

I have been getting booked each week for commercials and print work for household names like to Publix Grocery Store, Disney, CVS , you name it! I feel really grateful to do what I love, it’s so much fun being on set…and one of my goals is being able to reach more people through my speaking roles and bookings next year!
What is the biggest motivation for you on a daily basis?

To stay consistent ~ that’s where you see the results
I get excited to see what I can accomplish for my daily list… it feels good to check off the to-do list!

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